From a female LIB reader

I am about to make a very important
decision and I would like to have your candid
opinion on it. Its regarding my forthcoming
wedding and me wanting to do my father
the honor of walking me down the aisle or
giving my hand out in marriage. We have had
a very distant Father-Daughter relationship
due to the kind of torture he put my mother
through while me and my brother were young
and how the maltreatment affected my
mother so much she developed hypertension
and died when I was 14 and my brother 9.

From the much I know through my observations
then and my findings now, my parents fell apart
after my mum had an affair with the Chairman of
my father's company while he was imprisoned over
a fraud case he was involved in. He was the Chief
Accountant of his multinational company and
himself and other top executives used his office
to steal money that ran into millions of dollars. He
was arrested and locked up in prison. In a very
confused state and with all hopes dashed, my
mother was advised to go meet with his office
Chairman who is one of these old dirty men that
sleep with everything in skirt. She was pressured
to sleep with him as the only way to get her
husband out of the mess he was in as my father
stood the chance of spending a long time in jail.

To save the idiot called my father, my mother
succumbed to his pressures and slept with him.

Within hours, my father was released but however
lost his job. My mum decided to keep this as a
secret she probably would die with but eventually,
word got to my Father and he felt betrayed. In
one of their quarrels, my mum told my dad she
did it just to save him and get him back home as
he was diabetic and could die in prison leaving her
with two young children.

My father decided she was a miss fit for him and
threw her out of his home and made us never see
her again. He relocated us from Nigeria, burnt all
her documents because according to him, he paid
for her education. He got married again and then
my brother and I faced the usual step mother
torture. We never got to see our mother until she
died in 2003 from hypertension and we were out
of tradition allowed to go for her funeral. All
these years I have kept my cool because I really
needed to complete my education and now that I
am done and have gotten a job, I want to shut him
permanently out of my life. A man that irrational
cannot be close to me nor my family. Irony is that
he is not remorseful after all these years. Still
hauls all manner of insults on my late mother.

I feel like not giving him that opportunity to walk
me down the aisle and cutting him off my life
would teach him a great lesson. Is my action going
to be in order or am I been too irrational? Please
I need your candid advice

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