Infertility simply means sterile and difficulty in
conceiving or giving birth to children. In women,
infertility means not being able to get pregnant
after several years of trying. Women who get
pregnant and are not able to sustain the
pregnancy may also be termed infertile.
Infertility can be seen from two major
perspective, primary infertility and secondary

Primary infertility : It is a type of
infertility whereby the woman
never had a baby.

Secondary infertility : It is a type
of infertility whereby a woman
fail get pregnant after previous
birth history.

Some of the major causes of infertility can be
attributed to following causes that are stated

Sexually transmitted diseases:
Adult, Adolescent and teenagers that involves in
unsafe sexual practices that involves multiple
sexual partners, having unprotected sexual
intercourse, is highly at risk of being sterile or

Poor healthcare practices and policies:
Individuals and heath facilities, septic abortion
and their complications also increase the chance of
being infertile.

Exposure to potentially toxic substances in the
This include Arsenic, aflatoxins, pesticides etc
increases the risk of being infertile.

Too much alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco intake
makes the sperms ineffective and increases the
chance of being infertile.

Cultural and social factors:
Problem such as these contributes to high rate of
infertility in the country eg. Female genital
mutilation, early marriages as found in the
Northern part of Nigeria etc.

Incomplete treatment of inflammatory diseases:
Inflammatory disease such as the pelvic
inflammatory disease (PID) causes illness and may
lead to tubal blockage and pelvic adhesion leading
to infertility.

Poor personal hygiene :
It is also a major cause of infertility rate in the
country, living in dirty environment, not observing
proper sanitation etc.

Electromagnetic wave:
Recent research suggest that placing a lap top
(personal computer) for longer period of time on
your laps affects spermatozoa because of the
electromagnetic wave generated by the computer.

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