Your lifestyle choices can either aid or kill your
sex life. Here are four of things that may be
slowly eating away your sex drive under your

Many people have made lifestyle choices that
are slowly but surely killing their sex life.

Most of these people do not notice until it
becomes too late to make amends, sex drive/
performance node-dives and then they begin to

The signs are usually there and the discerning
will notice – maybe your appetite for sex drops
or you don’t perform anymore, three rounds
become two and then you get premature
ejaculation issues.

Here are four of these things you must watch if
you want to save your sex life:

1. You use too much drugs or medicine. Drugs,
especially antidepressants can cause sexual
side effects which include erectile
dysfunction, orgasm issues and lowered
libido. Birth control pills, anti-histamines,
decongestants can also interfere with your
sex drive. So watch it.

2. You take too much alcohol. You must know
that taking too much alcohol is bad for your
sex drive and your overall health. It can
drastically decrease your sexual
performance. A glass or a bottle is enough.

3. You don’t sleep enough. Sleep is very
important, more than many realise. Skipping
sleep may lower your libido because you need
it to function properly.

4. You are putting on lose weight. As you get
larger and put on the fat, your sex drive
and performance suffer. Diabetes and high
cholesterol levels, linked to obesity, can also
impact your libido. If you’re going down that
line, you might want to start getting fit.

Check and cross check your lifestyle choices.

If you are found wanting in any of these, then
you should consider correcting it today – be
careful the way you use drugs, step down on
alcohol, sleep well and lose that fat.

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