Relationships are aimed to increase the “happiness quotient” in our lives. The
first relationship is special to each and every one – the expectations, aspirations,
dreams, fantasies, faults, more misunderstandings, etc. However, it tells us who
we are and what we practically expect from a relationship. Moreover a break up
makes us stronger.
I have seen a lot many of my friends, being more mature after ending up their
first relationship. But girls always take longer time to overcome the breakup
blues. So I have decided to dedicate this post to the lovely ladies all over the
world because I believe that every girl is special and she deserves the man who is
the best for her and brings out the best in her. Before thinking of any future
relationship, a girl must learn to love herself and the present moment
because the key to finding true love is self love.
In an open letter to my future boyfriend I would like to include all the things
that make a relationship worthy of lasting till eternity. Here it goes:

My Dear Future Boyfriend,
I have seen my share of immature first loves and the painful heartbreaks that
follow. When I look back now, I feel that I have grown up. I know my priorities in
life. I know myself and I am deeply, madly, and passionately in love with myself.

At the moment I don’t want a boyfriend. I don’t want to flaunt among my
friends because I already have an awesome life.

But one day in my future I will need someone. Someone who can complete and
compliment me. Someone who trusts me. Someone who understands me.

who is as strong as the wind to fight for me. Someone who is as soft as the
breeze to calm me. Someone who is just there beside me, with unspoken words,
with the unsaid promis to have the best talks in silenc. Someone who share my

Will you be the one who stays?

I want someone who can forgive me for every fight. Someone who needs me
in his life. Someone who can make me run on that road which never ends, which
is build out of trust and patience, which has only love and longing to be the best
for the best.

I want someone who is daring enough to steal the princess from her own self.

Someone who looks beyond the figure and physical appearances and sees my true
inner core. Someone who looks me in the eyes and connects with my soul.

Someone who allows me to be stupid and childish. Someone who strengthens me
daily before I go to work. Someone who is my friend to support and understand
me with my ways. Someone with whom I am free to be my own self.
Together we will define love.

I want someone who can define love in my life. Love – as pure as the snow, as
pious as the divine, as strong as the mountains, as beautiful as the stars
twinkling above.

I know if he exists, I will meet him at the perfect time and in the perfect way.

And I will change into my true self through him and for him. I will be changed.

But what I love most is the irony that he won’t care if I change or stay the
same, because he will love me no matter what.

I am happy with my life and with each passing day. I am learning new ways to
love myself. I am enjoying being single because it allows me to dream of you
while pursuing my own dreams.

I wish the same accelerates with your entry into my life.

I Love,
Your Future Girlfriend

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