A man purporting to be Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau on Tuesday
claimed responsibility for an attack on the northeastern town of Baga in
which scores of civilians were killed when the insurgents seized a
multinational military base in a new video.

The insurgents, who invaded Baga at the start of the year, razed many
buildings and homes in the week that followed, shooting civilians as they tried
to flee, witnesses said.

In the new video posted on You Tube, Shekau talking in the northern Nigerian
Hausa language surrounded by masked gunmen, said:
“We are the ones that carried out the attack and it is just the tip of the
iceberg,” the man says. “There are more coming.”

Commenting on weapons seized from Baga, he says they are “enough to
annihilate Nigeria.”

Find the full transcript below:

We have today declared
Baga as part of our territory and one of our
operational base”.

“Jonathan you are in trouble. all governors of
Nigeria are in trouble. All these war
equipments that you see being displayed in the
screen are gotten from Baga and Doro. Your
army kept deceiving the world that you can’t
fight us because you have no arms.

Liars! You
have all that it takes; you are just coward
soldiers. You forgot that it is God that arms.

Is it not amazing that we who started with
sticks and machetes, are today the biggest
headache to the almighty Nigerian soldiers?
What a shame!!
“Jonathan, is it not shameful that now even
your supporters are insulting and cursing you.

This should be a sermon to the world, that you
should not trust on humans. Any one that
trusts a man will end up regretting.

This is
just the beginning of the killings; what you’ve
just witnessed is a tip of the iceberg; more
deaths are coming. This will mark the end of
politics and democracy in Nigeria. This is to
confirm to you that we carried out the Baga
massacre, and we are going to do more.

“Nigerians are busy with politics, hailing
Buhari! Buhari, Jonathan! Jonathan!.

Do you
think the two of them are spared? Do you
think even Buhari is a good muslims? Buhari is
not a muslim as far as we are concerned – He
is nothing but an infidel and our enemy.

“Muhammed Yusuf, the president of Niger, so
you too have the temerity of coming out to pay
sympathy visit to the Francois Holland the
President of France. Is this your true
character? Muhammed Yusuf, you have amazed
us. You shall soon see our wrath, very soon.

“And you, Paul Biya, the president of
Cameroon. Now you are asking for foreign
assistance; please don’t waste your time
because God is more than all the helps you will

“And even you Idris Debby, you are not spared.
You guys have acted too late. very late .

“Before I end my speech; I want to react to a
radio broadcast from France where the French
said they are enemies of Islam and the
prophet of Islam. I am going to read the
France statement (he tried reading a French
statement) In that broadcast the French
government and people after insulting the holy
prophet of Islam said a war against terrorisms
is the same as fighting muslims.

“After this I will be setting ablaze the
Nigerian flag just like we always do in all the
places that we have conquered. It is a useless
flag whose relevance would soon be a thing of
the past. We are now showing the world all the
arms and ammunitions that we got from the
Nigeria army barracks in Baga, Doron-Baga,
Mile-4 and this barrack. What we have in our
armoury now, plus all that we had before is
enough to execute a victorious war against the
whole Nigeria.

Shekau was later shown in the video setting a
Nigerian flag on fire, and hoisting a Boko
Haram flag. He then lifted a black flag with
Arabic inscription as he recited an altered
version of the first few lines of the Nigeria
National Anthem, speaking in English:-
‘I pledge to Allah, my God. To be Faithful Loyal
and Honest. To serve Allah with all my
strength. To defend his Islam… Allahu Akbar!!
Nigeria is dead; her constitution is dead!!
Islam and Islam; war by war upon the Kafir
(the unbeliever”)

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