This event took place on thursday 15th January, it all began at almost 7pm.
Almost less than three hours ago, (about 7:30pm) according to some
witnesses, a room in the infamous Isa-kaita was robbed.

According to some witnesses, about three guys with arms (probably pistols),
robbed this particular room of their phones, laptops and money (at least
these were the items mentioned). I'm not blabbing about the robbery
though, I'm more concerned with the injustice and madness of Unn's
Security Department. We do hope that the Security Department arrives a
crime scene on time. Plus they should stop their usual act of arresting and
torturing innocent students, whom are "supposdly" suspects. Some innocent
guys were taken in by the security, about thirty minutes after the robbery
when the "said armed robbers" must have escaped. This is a clear example
of incompetence and corruption in our society. I sincerely hope the innocent
guys taken in come out of this mess.

For the guys responsible for this
robbery, I'm saying it openly, you have no shame, barging into a girls' room
and robbing them at gunpoint. Really, what is this school turning into? How
would you feel if your mother, sister, gf were in the same shoes you placed
those innocent girls? Plus the motto of this institution is to "restore the
dignity of man", one thing I know for sure, the guys responsible for this
crime, y'all a disgrace to the entire student body.

Please let us pray for the safety of all UNN students. And let's also be
careful and security concious; avoid late nights and lock your rooms, even
when you inside and report any suspicious person to the nearest Security

God help us..

Grace Okogwu

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