Running around like a headless chicken all day, normally doesn’t work. It hardly
brings you the results you want in the long term. Sure, you can feel like a machine
for a day, maybe for a week, or even a month.

We’ll see 5 very powerful reasons why being busy all day might not be good for
business. Let’s get to them:

1. Know the difference.

Tell them apart: Being busy and doing business are 2 completely different animals.
Being busy is widely overrated in our culture. So pay attention to the activities you
do every day, because sometimes you just want to feel active, you just want to feel
important by getting tons of things done, but it isn’t taking you to any place. Like
running in a threadmill, you’re moving, but you’re going nowhere.

2. Growth and development aren’t the
same thing.

A very simple definition says that growth is a physical process of becoming larger,
whereas development is a process, a more qualitative state of evolution.
Just to make it easy for you, a cemetery grows but doesn’t develop. And most of
the times, it’s much better to do less, than to do more of the wrong things. Think if
the next thing you’re gonna do will help you develop, or it’s just to help you grow.

3. You have no time to think.

One day I had a revelation, when I catched myself checking email like a possesed
person. The revelation was “Strategy doesn’t come by email.” It basically means if
you keep busy like a bee, you don’t have time to put things into perspective. And to
focus on doing the right things. Sometimes you end up doing unnecessary stuff, or
even worst, stuff that was better left undone. That take us straight to the next

4. You risk losing sight of the goal.

When you’re doing stuff all day, you risk losing the most important thing:
Perspective. Perspective always keep in mind your priorities. If you feel that
everything that reaches your to do list, or your email inbox has to be done, think
again. Sometimes problem is worst: You feel you have to do them “Right now.”
Focus only on the activities that take you closer to the most important goals. All
others can wait… for a long time. Try it, and you’ll see the world keep going around.

5. You can’t adapt.

Animals adapt by instinct. Or they die. As humans, we’re not living a life or death
situation everyday. That’s why we sort of lost the ability to adapt more quickly.
Imagine that on top of that, you’re up to your head with things you need to do
today… Adapting is an unachievable dream. Like the story of the boiling frog. If a
frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that
is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death

You probably are taking only short term decisions, and that could be a good thing…
only for a while. But long term, you need time to think where you’re going.

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