How many women get super turned on right
before or during their period, contrary to all
the logic they have ever been told their whole
lives about when they should feel the most
rarin’ to go? It is hard to say, but it is enough
that a Google search produces lots of women
who’ve asked the same thing.

We all know when you’re supposed to be
h0’rniest — while ovulating, because babies. It’s
obviously more complicated than that, but for
the purposes of this discussion, we must assume
that women wouldn’t be searching in earnest
disbelief for why they are suddenly a walking
vag!na before their period if it didn’t seem, at
the very least, unexpected or incongruous.

In fact, one of the first pieces I came across in
the search was an XOJane essay called Why Do I
Become a Walking Vag!na the Week Before My
Period? In it, Emily writes:

You already know I get depressed, highly
emotional and self-loathing, but what I haven’t
mentioned is that I basically turn into Stifler’s
mom for a week leading up to my period.

Preparing to shed my uterile lining is
apparently the biological equivalent of some
sweet Barry Manilow tunes and a bottle of
Peach Boone’s Farm.

Dr. O actually didn’t explain it:
“At the end of the day, you are fertile 10-14
days before your period. It’s in your interest to
be h0’rny from your body’s perspective since
one of our jobs evolutionarily is to procreate. It
stands to reason that you would be most
interested when your body is set up to get
pregnant. The high progesterone at that part of
your cycle also makes the genitals a little
swollen and sensitive. For some women that’s a
turn on, for others, not so much. Same thing
happens in pregnancy, the other time you have
high progesterone.”

Ok, but not what she asked! Someone else hit
the ground running at Girls Ask Guys when they
asked, Girls: Do you get h0’rnier during your
period? Question says it all.

Question says it all, indeed . “ErikaSmith”

If a girl is h0’rnier on her period it is entirely
mental. Biologically that makes zero sense.

Hormone levels peak in the middle of your cycle
when you ovulate two weeks before your periods
starts. Unless something else is going on, the
days right around ovulation are when a girl is
naturally the h0’rniest.

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