Broken Home healing tips for the married
Start building your marital Journey today
Learning how to walk into marriage with
both eyes open
Tips to help men attain success in marriage

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relationship advise: FB jude.nebo twitter
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Please you must not think of divorce


Continue unchangeable.

Very bad in agreeing to disagree in
Try to have qualities you expect to see in
your woman.

It does not matter were and how you say
sorry in family issues
Certain people who make mistakes in the
past without letting go are still were they
are today
Your wife should be someone you can confide
on freely at any point in time
Your kind of husband will definitely change
unpleasant behavior of your beloved wife
and not your quick action in times of
conflict, yes conflict is bound to happen
You can only avoid conflict when you stop
A responsible man will always continue to
build his home without complaining
Having it in mind that leadership position is
a privilege, a responsibility and a call to
serve with humility, love and honesty.

Leading by example
No body is self sufficient, I think is risky to
be stupid in marriage
Your wife is a partner and helper not
builder; therefore make sure she loves you
unconditionally before going into marriage
to avoid wrong number
if she is truly in love with you. Please do not
take advantage of her feelings.

Afford to give your wife a maximum
listening ear, accept her contributions/
suggestions to know if she is brilliant or not
Even if she is illiterate encourage her to
Because it is not your right to abuse or
reject her for a reason
Women are valuable access; therefore they
need maintenance to live up to your
She deserve your support and care
So make her feel your present in her life, be
open, social and entertaining
Make her feel secure- don’t joke about
divorcing her, this will put a
hole in your marriage.

Always greet her whenever you arrive
Your wife is a fragile vessel so take care of
her- In this vessel there is
a lot of goodness so treat her in a gentle

advice her in privacy and the best timing.

Don’t advice her in the
presence of others, it can be a type of
Be generous with her
Move out of your way for her, when she’s
coming to sit get up and let
her sit on your seat tell her: ‘here honey sit
I warmed up the seat for you’
Avoid anger.

Look good for her and smell great.

Don’t be rigid, you will broken- just because
you are a man doesn’t
mean you have to be harsh hearted
Say yes for flattering and no for arguing.

Call your wife with the best names she likes
to hear.

Surprise her secretly. Ex: Bring her a
watermelon when it’s not the
season of watermelons. Pick and choose in
surprising her, be an artist in
Surprising her pleasantly
Show your appreciation to her
Encourage her to be in touch with her kin
Speak topics of her interest.

Speak of her goodness in the presence of
Shower her with gifts; It’s doesn’t matter
how cheap or expensive the gift
Is, it’s the thought that counts!
Think good of her
Ignore some of the words/actions you don’t
Add a drop of patience- It can go a long
way- i.e: at her time of
Pregnancy, menses…etc
Expect and respect her jealousy.

Be humble
Don’t put a price on her happiness.

Help her around household chores
You can’t force her to love her in laws, but
help her respect and love
your parents.

Show her that she is an ideal wife; each and
every wife is an ideal
wife in many ways, so make her feel that.

Don’t show her that you are doing favors by
doing your duties
Look at her as a precious pearl, treat her
and take care of her like a
precious pearl
Don’t put your
smile out-of-service when you reach home!
38- Don’t hold grudges. Deal with the
littlest matters and don’t ignore
them, it will build up and will create a wall
between you and your wife.

Avoid being harsh hearted and moody.

Help her discover/develop her skills and her
success within
Respect the boundaries of the intimate
relationship- it’s a fragile

Help her with the children; it’s not only her
job it’s yours too!
Complement her!-give her the gifts of the
Don’t be a stranger to her meals, know your
wife’s meals, and eat her

Let her know when you are traveling don’t
just disappear, and also let
her know about your arrival.

When arguments arise, deal with it and
don’t run away from it.

Don’t share your home secrets with your
friends. Keep your privacy,
and don’t make it a garage sale.

Encourage each other to worship/obey God
Engrave her rights in your heart and in
your conscious
Treat her with kindness through happiness
and sorrow
Don’t jump on your wife like a ball!, in fact
polish your love with many
kisses- A kiss is a messenger
When disputes happen between you and your
wife, don’t go and share
it with the whole world.-don’t leave your
wounds open for the germs-
Show her that you care for her health.

Don’t think that you are right all the
time!-No one Is perfect
Share you happiness and sorrow with her.

I wish you a happy home and lovable wife.

Please add up your view, ideal, suggestion or
comment if my note helps to serve you

Credit Jude Nebo

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