At a candle light vigil service held to usher in
the New Year 2015 at The Synagogue, Church
Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Nigerian
Prophet T.B. Joshua declared 2015 to be ‘the
year of good morning’.

In the energetic service broadcast live on
Christian television station Emmanuel TV,
Joshua admonished congregants on the need
to ‘worship God in Spirit’ in a sermon titled,
‘Discovering your real value’.

“Christianity lies in the heart,” he told the
multitude of worshippers, adding that merely
observing religious ceremonies does not
signify genuine Christianity.

The crowds, including a huge array of foreign
guests sporadically waving their national
flags, thronged every available space within
the sprawling church complex, even spilling
onto the adjoining roads.

“If you are expecting a New Year, you must
be pure in heart,” he stressed, reminding the
faithful of Jesus Christ’s words in Matthew
5:8. “If not, the troubled year of 2014 will
continue in 2015,” he warned.

Although Joshua uncharacteristically did not
give his yearly prediction, his message
conveyed that the troubles witnessed
worldwide throughout 2014 would persist in
2015 but genuine Christians would grow
stronger through them.

“No matter what this coming year brings, if
you are more of God, your trials are the soil
in which your faith will flourish,” he enjoined
the congregation.

He stressed that the freedom the Bible
speaks of in John 8:36 is spiritual not
physical, insisting that a ‘free spirit,’ was
needed for Christians to enjoy peace
throughout 2015. “This liberation of your
spirit is all you need to have the best year,”
he stated.

“You just need a Word from God to change
the course of your life,” Joshua continued.

“God said I should give you the Word – Good
Morning! Instead of saying ‘Happy New Year’,
say ‘Good Morning’. 2014 was the afternoon
but now we are going to the morning. This
Word is anointed.”

The cleric revealed that from henceforth,
irrespective of the actual time of the day,
Christians should maintain the greeting,
‘Good morning’, insisting that a spiritual
blessing was attached to such proclamation.

Among the nearly 2,000 foreign guests in
attendance at the ‘crossover service’ were 44
family members of those who tragically died
when a building collapsed within the church
compound on September 12th 2014.

Earlier in the day, Joshua had called on his
Facebook followers to submit their prayer
requests for 2015; almost 100,000 responses
were posted in a matter of hours.

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