How weird is this? Nursery staff and childminders
have been given 'duty' by the UK government to
report toddlers they suspect of being at risk of
becoming terrorists under new Home Office
measures. They will now start spying and labeling
toddlers from black and ethnic minorities.

From Telegraph UK

Nursery school staff and registered
childminders must report toddlers at risk of
becoming terrorists, under counter-
terrorism measures proposed by the
Government. The directive is contained in a
39-page consultation document issued by the
Home Office in a bid to bolster its Prevent
anti-terrorism plan.

Critics said the idea was “unworkable” and
“heavy-handed”, and accused the
Government of treating teachers and carers as “spies”.

The document accompanies the Counter-Terrorism
and Security Bill, currently before parliament. It
identifies nurseries and early years childcare
providers, along with schools and universities, as
having a duty “to prevent people being drawn into

The consultation paper adds: “Senior management
and governors should make sure that staff have
training that gives them the knowledge and
confidence to identify children at risk of being
drawn into terrorism and challenge extremist ideas
which can be used to legitimise terrorism and are
shared by terrorist groups.

"They should know where and how to refer
children and young people for further help.”
But concern was raised over the practicalities of
making it a legal requirement for staff to inform
on toddlers.

David Davis, the Conservative MP and former
shadow home secretary, said: “It is hard to see
how this can be implemented. It is unworkable. I
have to say I cannot understand what they
[nursery staff] are expected to do.

“Are they supposed to report some toddler who
comes in praising a preacher deemed to be
extreme? I don’t think so.
“It is heavy-handed.”

Mr Davis also accused the Home Office of pushing
the legislation too quickly.

Isabella Sankey, the policy director at human
rights body Liberty, said: “Turning our teachers
and childminders into an army of involuntary spies
will not stop the terrorist threat.

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