Have you ever felt like the only thing every man desires from you is sex? Wondered why every relationship you enter suddenly collapses within 5 months?
Now let's consider some of the factors that could be responsible for such ill luck.
Be humble and truthful enough in accessing your live with the factors below:

(1) Do You Show Excessive Care to Men?: Nature abhors everything done to extreme. Men and women are different.
A woman feels loved when her man calls her 6 times in a day.
It is different for a man. A busy man would see such calls as a distraction, hence sees you as a detractor or and idle lady who has nothing to do with her time. Sooner or later he would start avoiding your calls. A moderate call is ok.

(2) Is Your Personal Hygiene Level Poor? There is no greater turn off than unkempt lady.
The smell of your mouth, body and hair have a lot of magic in attracting or repelling people who come in contact with you. Even the peeled nail polish on your nails could be a big turn off for most men.

(3) Do You Label YourSelf a Liability?: No man, no matter how rich, wants to settle with a liability.
Unknowingly we may give the men the impression that we and our families are bunch of liabilities.
How do we do that? When all you enjoy discussing with a man are: how your phone is always giving you problem, how your rent would soon expire, how you need to get handouts, how your mother's business is going down, how your father needs some money to go to the hospital etc.
Such stories don't give the man any hope of peace of mind in near future.
As such, break up becomes imminent. He may delay the break-up pending when he gets enough payback(Sex) for his 'investment' in you.
As soon as he gets it, he runs for his dear life and you'll return to tell every interested person of how he used you and dumped you.

(4) Are you Disrespectful?: Just as no sane human would ever use his resources to acquire a robot that kills the owner, no real man will ever settle with a disrespectful lady.
Men may not talk much, but trust me an average man is clever naturally.
Your attitude toward others even on social network speaks a lot about your personality and he observes that too. Feminism and Gender equality campaign does not tantamount to rubbing shoulders with your man. God is so wise and made man the head.
We should respect God. Someone may say "but I can't pretend".
Yes we are encouraged to be real and to be ourselves, but 'Being yourself' doesn't mean you should be proud of your bad attitudes.
Work on them and stop wishing for a man who'll love you for who you are.

(5) Are You Bossy? Many women are Bossy without even realising it.
When you want to have the last word; you are Bossy. When you always feel your choice is the best; you are Bossy.
When you always make suggestions of where to go, what to eat, what he should wear; you are Bossy.

(6) Are you Immature?: If you are a grown lady and still dresses like sch girls, be assured that boys will come after you and mind you, boys are not yet thinking of tying themselves down with one girl.
If your only life ambition as a lady is to get married, know it today that you are immature.
You know the specifications of every gadget that you have no fund to acquire; it could be traced to misplaced priority and by extension immaturity.
When the only dish you can prepare without supervision is Indomie noodles; then immaturity is not wrong description of you.
You spend career killing hours on internet and instant messenger apps, it's a short sign of immaturity.
Men are jealous and I believe that no sane man would see a good woman and allow her to slip off his fingers into another man's finger.
Many ladies are enjoying their relationship. Many ladies too are getting married every saturday.
They don't get married to stones. They get married to men. It is a waste of time running to facebook to cry and yell how devilish men are.
It is wiser to go to those ladies and find out their secrets.

Credit Stephen Kalu

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