Basically, In our culture a lot of times
people advise us to compare ourselves with
others. "You should be like your father,"
"You can win; the others aren’t as good as
you," "You must be the best of your class,"
etc., and this is not always the best way of
thinking. There are many reasons to change
this way of thinking and begin to compare
ourselves only with ourselves. This is the way
it should be, and in this paper I will discuss
some of the most important reasons for this.

Below are reasons why you should stop it.

1.There would always be someone better
than you, and also people, you are better
than .
It doesn’t mater in which aspect, but it is
always true. Therefore, you could feel
inferior to others and maybe without a real
reason. For example, you can be an
incredible architect and the best of your
generation, and this can make you feel
incredibly good, but if someday someone is
better than you are, you could feel sad
although you are still the same incredible
architect that you were before.

2. It's Damaging To Your Sense Of Self
Mark Twain said that "comparison is the
death of joy," and the science agrees.
Research has found that comparing
breeds feelings of envy, low-self
confidence, and depression, as well
as compromises our ability to
trust others. While downward
comparison, comparing ourselves to
those less fortunate, can provide
some benefit to one's sense of self , even
this form of comparison comes at a
price. It requires that we take pleasure
in someone else's failures or
misfortunes in order to feel adequate,
which can fuel mean-spirited
competitiveness versus collaboration;
jealousy versus connection. When
comparing leads you to devalue yourself
or others you've entered dangerous

3.It Doesn't Actually Help You
Accomplish Your GoalsRuminating about
how someone else is better looking, has
more friends, or is more successful than
you is both time-consuming and
ineffective. Being hard on ourselves
actually zaps motivation and decreases
goal completion. If you really want to
live a life that feels fulfilling you need
to dedicate your time and energy to
your own values. To get your focus in
the right place ask yourself the
following questions: When you imagine
yourself at the end of your life looking
back at what you've done, what will be
the experiences and accomplishments
that will have been most important to
you? What kind of person do you want
to be? What kind of relationships do
you want to have? What do you want
people to remember about you? Use
these personal values as the barometer
upon which you compare, rather than
the accomplishments of those around

4.There is actually no End to it.
There is no end to the comparison game.
There is an infinite number of
categories upon which you can compare
yourself… and an almost infinite
number of people to compare yourself
to. Once you start down that road, you
will never, ever find an end.

5.It's A Losing Battle.If comparing is
how you evaluate your worth, you will
always be losing. In this game of life
you will never reach a point where you
are better than others in every way and
why would you want to be. Part of what
makes life awesome and interesting is
learning from the talents of others.
Instead of trying to be as good as or
better than others, focus your energy on
being the very best version of yourself.
So next time you catch yourself using
someone else as a benchmark for your
own worth stop and remind yourself
how ineffective this strategy really is.
Instead, compassionately redirect your
energy and attention to your own goals
and what is required to achieve them.

For all these reasons and because we are
unique, we should not compare ourselves with
others, only with ourselves. The only
comparison pattern that we really have is
our consciousness. So, if we use this pattern
we will not feel less or more than others; we
will not try to make others look bad; we will
not judge so much; and we will accept
ourselves as we really are. In other words,
we will live happier.


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