This is a controversial created not for you to pat me on the back so critics is allowed.

This thread focuses on the act of ladies which sometimes warrant being dumped.

Personally, I get so pained when ladies lay curses on guys who dump them aftermath
of sex. However, It's very evident to me that some of them strip unclad in the middle
of the night and rain curses on those guys but little do they know that they are
sometimes the cause and I sometimes don't blame these guys.

Lemme stop beating around the bush and let's get to business

Just sit down, relax and don't be in a hurry to read :D

Reasons Why Guys Dump Ladies After Getting Under Their Skirts

Note: I'm not in any way trying to support pre-marital sex before some people will
start quoting Bible verses on this thread

1. You Claim You Are Wiser

Take it or leave it, we are in men's world and no man will ever admit that a lady is
wiser than him. Ladies are cunning in nature and we so much detest ladies who think
they can screw us up. It's just one of the reasons why we prank them and zoom off as
quickly as possible
Let me share an experience with you. Way back when boys were still hustling, there
was a lady I had crush on. She was financially handicapped and needed to obtain a
GCE form. I promised to obtain the form for her as soon as I receive my salary
The day I received my salary, I called her told her to come for the money. Could you
believe someone that has been coming to my house all alone brought a friend with her
and I was like "whatdafcck is this for Christ's sake ?" Does this lady think I want to
render help just to get under her skirt. To end the story, I disappointed her without
giving her a kobo. I told her I was very disappointed in her. It's just one of those
things they do to outsmart us which haunt them

2. Please NO SEX When We Date

Who tells a guy this ? This is an implicating statement ladies should avoid saying even
if you don't want it. Even if sex is not our priority, we don't like when ladies tell us
that they don't want sex in the relationship. Many ladies are like " let tell him so
that he will know that I'm not for sex and if he doesn't like it that way, he should
bleep off. I can swear with my life that if you tell a guy at the early stage of the
relationship that you will never allow sex in the relationship and he agrees, your
chances of being dumped if he eventually get dumped after the deed is very high

3. You Want Him To Make Promises

Before You Give It To Him
You want him to promise you marriage or Iphone 6 before you open your legs. I smh
for you

4. You Want To Maga-rize Him

When a guy senses you are trying to exercise your magarizm skill on him, he tries to
set a trap for you and as soon as he gets what he wants, bye bye

5. Another Guy Is Bleeping You

He agrees to be in a NO SEX relationship but you are giving it to a dude out there.
He pretends he's not aware but the moment he marks register, he waves to you.
Hehehe ;D

6. Ladies Are NOT To Be Relied On

I grew up with the mentality that of "never invest so much on ladies" and I'm pretty
sure I'm NOT the only one who grew up with this mentality. You show you true love,
she she dumps you; you don't show her love,, she dumps you. It's just one of the
reasons why guys zoom off as so as they get what they want

7. You Aint Worth The Unnecessary Stress

You have been playing hard to get since the time of Soddom and Gommarah and you
haven't been giving him the attention he needed but the funniest thing is that, it's
so disappointing when we get to see the calibre of guys you are giving attention to
are way beneath us. When just try to mark our own register and wave goodbye

8. Revenge

When look back and remember the emotional trauma ladies have cost us, sometimes we
derive joy in taking revenge on the good hearted ones that come our way.

9. You Are Taking Him For Granted

No guy likes to be taken for granted you know ? He has tried his best to gain your
love but you been treating him like a bag of Dangote cement. He's most likely to
wave to you as soon as he finds his way into your pant

10. You Damand So Much

Lemme share a secret ladies don't know about us. Guys so cherish and respect ladies
who can reject money offered to them. When a guy has to beg you to please ask him
for anything you need cos he knows you are NOT the demanding type, I can assure
you that he will hold firmly onto you. That aside, when you demand so much, you lose
your value

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